Our Programs

No Wasted Opportunity Program

Waste pollution is one of the most pressing and urgent environmental problems we face as a community, a state, and a nation.
Everyday the problem gets worse and worse. We believe that providing a win-win scenario for companies,
we can significantly reduce waste pollution in our local communities.

In this program we do Outreach to local businesses who have reusable waste products and pick them up for free.
By picking up the reusable waste items from businesses for free, The business saves money by not having
to spend time throwing them away and they reduce the amount of money they have to spend on disposal.

After we have picked up for the items from the business, then distribute those resources to members of our local
immigrant, BIPOC, marginalized, low-income and underserved communities.

We then help the recipients of these reusable waste products to repurpose them or sell them which provides them with economic opportunities.

Here is the success story of one of our programs

Repurpose with Purpose client Maria.

Maria immigrated from Mexico To the United States when she was 12 years old. Maria started sewing at that young age in order to bring in money for her family. For the next thirty years, she made clothes for kids. A shoulder surgery forced her to take a break from sewing.

Maria raised six sons as a single mother. Her story shows resilience, the strength of motherhood, and the power of creativity. Repurpose with Purpose is helping Maria by giving her free textiles that were donated from businesses and helping her to sell her creations.

With donated fabrics from a business, which we saved from a landfill, Our client Maria turned these:

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Into these beautiful creations you see below:

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Image Projects

If you would like to purchase one of Maria's creations, please contact us here:

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